Thursday, April 29, 2010

Dark Days Extended

Sometimes I do not blog for awhile because my dark days have taken over my life and this past week I really got hit hard. It is hard to imagine sleeping for 16 hours a day, three days in a row, rising only to use facilities and attempt to eat but that is my body’s way of escaping the misery. My poor husband, keeps life afloat while I am in lala land and patiently lets me know what day it is when I rise from the cocoon state. I have now lost my ability to taste anything that is not extremely acidic, so I am not taking in protein which is not a good thing. It would be okay if I could taste nothing, I would then eat anyway just to stay relatively healthy but my taste has contorted my buds so such food tastes like a cardboard box or metal and after awhile your body revolts and refused to eat. So, needless to say I lost 8 pounds last week and that is not good. So, I am looking for information about protein powders to try to supplement my diet right now. I can afford weight loss, although to date I have lost 40 pounds since I was working and I need to keep my cardio working and muscle mass intact. Let me know if you have any advice I can run across my chemo nurses for approval.

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