Thursday, June 3, 2010

This is it!

Finally, the surgeons will be done with their vacations, rested I hope! Surgery for me is scheduled for 7:30AM on June 30th a Banner Good Samaritan Hospital in Phoenix. It will be just over 9 weeks since my last chemotherapy by then and despite assurances from the oncologist that my cancer will not have spread, I will meet with her next week to discuss just that. I lost blind faith a long time ago: my faith in God is strong but my faith in people needs more information to back up vague statement like "it will be fine that you have been without chemo for 9 weeks". I need to know why....Is cancer so slow in growing that not much will have changed? Do I need a new PET scan to be sure? I want this chance for a cure even at 50 %, but no sense in cutting me open if there is a chance the cancer has spread.  Am I paranoid? Perhaps, but I feel I have that right. So, unless something changes....think positive thoughts on your way to work that day. I need your prayers, all of them to take with me to the table. I must express my thanks to those of you who comment here as your support is uplifting. I also could not face this disease with so much optimism were it not for the loving support of my daughters and their families, my father and sister and of course, the man I love who worries too much but supports me everyday. I love you all and am eternally grateful to family and friends who keep me close to their heart via prayer or well wishes. Each of you have impacted my life, each of you have enhanced that which makes me unique, each of you will always hold a tender spot in my heart no matter what happens. Be well, Be happy and always seek only Positive Pursuits. God Bless


  1. So happy we finally have a date Deb! :) That hospital isn't too far from my work. I will come visit when you give the ok. Love ya.

  2. My support for you is from way out East Deb and will be thinking of you that and every day.
