Friday, June 18, 2010

P Words

Over the past year, dealing with unexpected unemployment for both my husband and I, and then the cancer diagnosis, I have learned that with a multitude of "P" words, survival is possible: Perseverance, positive-ness, patience, prayer...a few words that help along the way. This past week, we ignored the word "poor" and incorporated the word "play" as it is an important part of the life plan. The trip to our daughter's home in Southern California was a welcome respite. Along with her husband, our granddaughter and grandson, we ate, we laughed, we cruised on their new boat along the Newport Beach Harbor, we played, watched movies, celebrated Marisa's 6th birthday and K1 graduation. What fun we had... even the drive was good. Home now to regroup then off tomorrow for three days in the AZ mountains for a quiet retreat before getting ready for surgery. I am so lucky to have a wonderful family supporting me along this path, and a husband who is learning to do all those things I father who lends his love and a sister willing to come sit for hours in the hospital and help me get on track when I come home. Our youngest daughter will arrive about then to care take for the first week...and boy do I have a lot of friends and family praying hard for my recovery. I am blessed and I know it. Thank you all for staying close and for not forgetting me. I am grateful beyond expression. I want to get on with this, so the waiting now is close and so much at stake.  I have no fear of surgery despite the risks involved, but hope we are successful in beating this thing. If we do, I will be part of a small exclusive percentage. This event will change my life no matter the outcome. On a more humorous note: I love to eat and all who know me, know that I love to cook pre-warning from the medical sector is that after surgery, I must refrain from raw fruit or raw vegetables (cooked only), nuts of any kind and go light on the meat for six weeks. Ugh....I can do without meat, I love steamed vegets but am already missing fresh fruit. I suspect week seven would be a heavenly eating frenzy..... except I will be on chemo again, no matter the outcome, so eating will be crummy again. Sigh! Okay, the whole point of this blog is to be positive, sooooooooooo I am looking forward to dropping another twenty pounds as a reward! lol Thank you again for all your support, care and good wishes. I could not continue to do this each day were it not for all of you. xoxoxo I will update upon my return after the surgery on the 30th.... hope to be home on or around the 4th of July (a good day). STAY WELL, BE HAPPY, AND SEEK ONLY POSITIVE PURSUITS.


  1. How could we EVER forget you? I love you friend. I'm glad you're enjoying some play time. You deserve it.

    Please let me know what you need and I will deliver it. Pronto.

    It sounds like you're pretty busy pre-surgery, but I made you a promise and I will be at the hospital the day after surgery. It's on my calendar at work.

    Be well and enjoy the cool pines. :)

  2. How loved you are by both family and friends - and so well deserved. You are in my thoughts and prayers and hope to see your smiling face soon.

  3. We have been thinking about you so much recently! I finally got a word in edgewise with Doris on the phone yesterday (Lucas monopolized the conversation for a good twenty minutes!) and this morning she sent me the link to your blog! I am glad to be able to keep up with you this way and truly I just love to read blogs! We have been pryaing for you and will continue to do so! Surgery sounds like just the thing and I love love love that you are so positive! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and if you can think of anything yummy you would like from South Carolina let me know and I will send a care package!!! Hugs from the Gilberts East!
    Elizabeth , Jeremy and Lucas

  4. I will be thinking positive thoughts for you on surgery day. I will wait anxiously for your post-surgical blog. If you or your family need anything I can help with please let me know.
