Friday, May 7, 2010

Good News Keeps Coming

Yesterday was chemo day....and I got the news... no more chemo as surgery is coming!  While no one is usually thrilled about surgery, I am. It is rare for a stage IV cancer patient to be eligible for surgery in only three months or so, but here I am. Tumors on the liver which were many to begin with are no longer visible on the PET scan. That does not mean they are gone as chemo does not cure, it only shrinks tumors to the point they may be surgically removed. It is surgery that cures............. so we apparantly have tumors so small they are no longer visible which means surgery can happen. One can remove up to 50 to 55% of the liver and function normally with the liver then able to regenerate over time. So, it looks good. I cannot have chemo during the next three to four weeks in order for my body to get strong enough to sail through surgery, so yippee.... no chemo for awhile. Now, I eat healthy and try to incorporate some cardio exercise into the plan so I can be poison free, have healthy cells and can breathe better. I can only  marvel at this is funny, I have always believed in  miracles and yet now that I have received one, not quite sure how to act....I wondered if this was really true? Well, all medical providers confirm it is so here we go.  Wish me luck!  I will need 12 more sessions of chemo after surgery, then.......... maybe, just maybe we can lick this thing.    In the meantime, check your water bottles to be sure they are a #1 recycled material, eat Mediteranean (more vegets, protein etc and whole grains and organic if possible) eliminate refined sugars please and limit or get rid of your stress to eliminate internal inflamation which sets the stage for cancer to do its dirty work! Stay healthy, be happy and seek only Positive Pursuits.


  1. This news made my day yesterday!! I am (we are) so estatic!! Our dear, dear friend has been blessed with her miracle. Call me selfish, but I am sooooo happy for you AND for us!!! Don't know what I would do without you and your positivity!! We love you!!!

  2. Fantastic news! Happy, Happy Mothers' Day to you!!!
