Thursday, March 3, 2011

You are a Cancer Survivor When

1. Your alarm clock goes off at 6 a.m. and you're glad to hear it.

2. April 15th is still a great day.

3. You're back in the family rotation to take out the garbage.

4. When you no longer have an urge to choke the person who says, "All you need to beat cancer is the right attitude."

5. When your dental floss runs out and you buy 1000 yards.

6. When you use your toothbrush to brush your teeth and not comb your hair.

7. You have a chance to buy additional life insurance but you buy a convertible instead.

8. Your doctor tells you to lose weight and do something about your cholesterol and you actually listen.

9. When your biggest annual celebration is again your birthday, not the day you were diagnosed.

10. When you use your Visa card more than your insurance card. Amen

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up mom! Love you xoxo ~Meredith
