Saturday, March 19, 2011

Trouble in Rivercity

It never fails to amaze me how inept healthcare providers can be. I know we are all human, but come on people....  What I am about to describe only re-affirms that we must be exceptionally dilligent in monitoring our own care... and while I have been dilligent, I too get wrapped up in the muddle and stuff slides.

I received chemotherapy on January 27th using a 5FU Party ball worn home and delivered intranvenously for 44 hours. Provided by in home healthcare Altius Systems.

On February 1, 2011 my healthcare provider changed as did my in home health care provider, nows Critical Care Systems.

Scheduled for chemotherapy on February 10th but skipped this treatment to go to California to assist my father who was in the hospital.

Next chemo scheduled for February 24th, on track and 5FU delivered intravenously for 44 hours and provided by Critical Care Systems.  Was very sick this time and conversed with oncologist and nurses as to why, clarified doseage etc. Discussed a dislike of the pump vs the party ball but understood the reason why it was used.... had to do with party ball size inadequate to deliver prescribed doseage.

So far all okay.

March 10 scheduled for chemotherapy but cancelled as I accidentally burned my foot badly and oncologist did not wish to compromise healing by having chemotherapy so cancelled.

March 17 received chemo as usual. Nurse hooked up "party ball" which I did not inspect as nurses are required to check name and birthdate on armband with the medicine which she did in front of me. I remarked that my doctor must have lowered my dose since I was receiving the party ball and not the pump. The nurse did not comment.

After 44 hours in home healthcare nurse from Critical care came to remove the medicine and noticed that the party ball was from another provider (they are tagged). That provider was my old provider Altius Healthcare who is no longer part of my healthcare network. OOPS   and in addition it had expired one month prior and should have been discarded, not delivered intravenously to me. Well, I got it. It appears that it's effectiveness is doubtful. 

So, now I received an expired medicine from the wrong company, I should not have to pay for it when my insurance refuses....

I received a drug no longer effective: so how will that help shrink my tumors if not good.

The nurse removed it, even if from another company so doubtful he will be paid for his services.

And I am left high and dry as it is a weekend and no one is available to fix all this till Monday.
So what are we going to do? Who knows. I do know that this kind of mistake, if not a one time event, can kill me.... either with lack of meds or a financial burden that should not be my responsibility.

So we are in the dark until Monday.   In the future, whether intravenous meds or RX from your pharmacist, check size, color, mg's, name of med and expiration dates etc. on anything you are about to put into your body. Just because a doctor ordered it and a nurse administers it is no guarantee it is correct. I accept some of the blame for not checking but not all. Hope this gets resolved.

Hard to stay positive, but hanging in.

1 comment:

  1. Are you kidding me? Seriously? What else could possibly go wrong? Instead of getting through the weekend recuperating you have the added burden of being further upset emotionally.

    Keep us posted.

