Friday, April 29, 2011

First log in the road to healing....

Those of us who have cancer try to have positive expectations regarding treatment, however we are all too aware that there will be hurdles, hence my new log in the road. Yesterday I got the result of my most recent PET scan which monitors tumor growth to check on the effectiveness of current chemotherapy treatment. Mine came back pretty bad this time, showing growth in tumors not shrinkage. What this means is this chemo cocktail is no longer working due to my body building up a resistance to the week killer after a year and four months. I have been expecting this log, but it is always a surprise when you come upon it. Now, I shall cross over this impediment and move on. I am on a new chemical cocktail which at its best should keep this at bay another year or two. At this time there is one more regime available when this new one stops working then it is off to clinical trials if any available and adopting the life of a Guinea pig... We will address all these issues as they come. I have also developed a colon hernia at the point of surgery. It is apparently not dangerous but I must curtail lifting anything heaving from now on to avoid pressure there. After a weekend of lifting grandkids, no wonder.... I find it so hard to stop doing normal things... I do not want my life impacted that way, I need to remain active. Perhaps one of those tool belts for guys who lift all the time would help when I see the grandkids. We shall see. While disappointed treatment has met an impasse, I am resolved to adopt whatever lies ahead in the hopes of prolonging my life and maintaining some quality thereof.  On a happy note, I befriended someone at the cancer center yesterday who was experiencing her first day of chemo. She was fraught with fears and I counseled her for over an hour. I also answered many questions about my own health with an elderly patient for some time. Later a woman sat next to me and said I was the most inspirational speaker she had ever eavesddopped.  It made me feel so good that I can pass on a positive attitude to others. Something we all can benefit from in our lives at home or at work. I remain positive and hopeful that all of you folks, healthy or not, take a long look at lifestyle and start protecting and prolonging your life now. Love to all and seek only Positive Pursuits.


  1. Deb, you never cease to amaze me with your poise, courage and strength; of which you will need in the coming days. Hope the new cocktail is tasty and works wonders for such an amazing woman. As always I think of you often from afar. Loving thoughts and prayers - Bev!!

  2. Hi Deborah. Just a note from your "elderly" friend at chemo to tell you how much I have enjoyed meeting you and sharing time discussing our mutual cancers. You are certainly an inspiration to many, and I"m sure all have benefitted from your positive attitude. This latest set-back is a bump in the road, to be sure, but with your attitude and the help of the new drug, I'm confident you'll beat this.
