Sunday, November 7, 2010

Feeling Good, a Good Thing

It has been some weeks since my last chemo treatment and having received a reprieve for a couple of months, I am feeling good. I have been incorporting some meditation, aroma therapy, wellness tea and have been seeking some inspirtion via numerology. I have not been good in keeping straight with the Mediteranean diet but I will forgive myself as I have not been able to taste for so long, that now that taste is coming back, I eat what tastes good, not necessarily what is good for me. Oh well, I will try to do better. :) The numerology research only supports what I already know; that I am strong of mind and spirit, I do not give up when I have a goal to attain, that I am humble and thankful, that I am a survivor.... so it is. I shall survive and overcome this disease. It will not beat me, it will not win. I feel great, I feel strong, I feel I can cause some control within my body, I will mentally and physically attack that which threatens my body and I will live to tell about it. Mind over matter, it is working, I can feel it.
Now, occasionally I pull a poem out from the past to share, and perhaps I will pull a  new one out in the future, but for now, a little humor from the past.

A numbing sensation
Creeps along my spine,
Reaching down the sinews
And to my brain does climb.
It makes my eyelids drowsy
And turns my feet to stone,
It tingles in my bloodstream
And seeps into the bone.
Now this numbing sensation
Crawls and settles deep.
I really wouldn't mind it....
But damn my rears asleep!

Ok, enough already. I hope everyone seeks good health, peace and no stress and only positive pursuits. Night all!

1 comment:

  1. Feeling good = :-) You KNOW I love your poems so keep 'em coming! I have the MOST precious poem EVER and I LOVE it!!! THANK YOU!!
