Friday, August 27, 2010

I Was Good

You know, the dumbest things can just jump up and ruin a day! Going to chemo is never a fun day, albeit necessary. My husband and I, being eternally unemployed and on the tightest of budgets no longer go out to eat ever. However, to compensate for chemo, every two weeks my husband goes out and grabs our favorite burger and brings it in to the clinic where I sit getting rat poison into my veins and we do lunch! Yesterday was the same, but the difference, I got a tainted burger and by the time I left the clinic, I felt pretty rotten. Half way home, I knew why and hence vomited all the way home...thank God for the half empty kleenex box in the car.... I hate to pull over in public for such a thing! All other orifices got clobbered by the time I got home.  I took meds to alleviate the nausea and the other end.....only to throw them up as well. Ugh     After a two hour nap, and jello for dinner, I survived and today feel just fine.  So much for the fast food treat.......... from now on it is Subway fresh or take home lunch. As if chemo was not enough....don't need this added aggravation! Still in good shape mentally.... Stay well, be happy and seek only positive pursuits...and watch that fast food urge, it can get you.


  1. Oooooh, sorry Deb. That's an awful feeling. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that you're eating all organic now? Having fast food while on an organic diet probably is not advisable!

    Glad you're feeling better. :)

  2. Could be, way too much fat content and calories more though. Now the surgical wound is infected again. God, please give me a break here. :)
