Monday, March 8, 2010

Welcome to my world....a positive place.

Welcome to my blog. Since this is my first attempt to journal my thoughts about being diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer, please bear with me while I learn the ins and outs of this technological tool. More to come as I gather my thoughts and information to post and while I hope this site may eventually be helpful to others who are traveling the same path as I, informative for those looking for an update regarding my personal physical and emotional status, it is for me... a positive way to remind myself that I am blessed each and every day!


  1. So glad you got this done! Can't wait to look at it everyday and then keep on you if you don't blog! Love ya!

  2. EXCELLENT job on the blog, Deb! I will also check it every day, and make sure you keep posting!

    I have no 'expert' tips to give you. Well done, friend. :)

    Please let me know when I can feature your blog on my blog. I think many of my friends would be interested.

  3. I was thinking of you today and was going to email you to see how you are doing. This is a great idea and I look forward to your updates.
    Sending good thoughts,

  4. Hey Lady Lips!
    So glad you are doing a blog. I think it will be great and inspiring, if I know you at all! It looks great. Will try to find a picture to have on my post.
    Love ya bunches!

  5. I have been thinking positive thoughts for you and will watch your blog to see how you are doing. Please keep posting both for you and all the people who are thinking of you!


  6. You are an amazing woman mom! I admire your strong attitude and your positive outlook. You are an inspiration to me & everyone whose lucky enough to be touched by you. This blog will be a wonderful outlet for you & I look forward to following along. Talk soon. Love you!!
