Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 & We are Off and Running

Hi, welcome back to my blog. Just a reminder if you are new here, I am a Stage IV Colon Cancer patient. My Cancer metastesized to the liver. I had the colon tumor removed but resection of the liver was not possible, hence, chemotherapy is my life partner! Yes I had the recommended colonoscopy but the doctor missed the tumor and I had no symptoms and a fluke infection landed me in the hospital where the discovery was made.... so now the journey continues.

I have been off chemo for two months. It happens with lifers (those of us who will likely never get off chemo as long as it works) we need a break now and then and since colon cancer is not a very aggressive cancer... does not grow that fast, I am able to stop now and then and pretend I am normal. lol  whatever that means.  It does, however, give me the opportunity to regain taste buds, slow down side effects of neuropathy and fatigue and put on a couple of pounds. :)

Just to start the year off right, I had a PET scan a couple days ago to allow me to see where I am and what the tumors on my liver have been up to while off chemo. I get back on the lab wagon tomorrow and meet with the oncologist in a few days, then chemotherapy resumes on an every other week basis. I am ready to face all that again... it is not hard and I do not get sick from chemo, just lethargic and I lose the ability to touch anything cold for awhile and cannot taste anything, so the weight I gained for Christmas will be gone by Valentines day. Chemo, or as I loving refer to as weed killer.... is just a reminder, and not a welcome one, that I am, in fact, sick.

I am looking into the Cancer Center of America, here in AZ as an option to get another opinion. I do not deny having cancer, just want someone else to affirm that my treatment is on track. If something better is out there, I want to know it.  That is coming and I will let you know the results.

I feel great, have a lot of energy, look just fine, never lost my hair.... and if I did not have my diagnosis in writing and bills large enough to wipe out a herd of buffalo.... I would argue that I am not sick. :)  Still trying to eat organic whenever I can affort it... and staying calm to avoid stress, and avoiding getting sick (flu etc) at great length in order to keep internal inflammation at a minimum. Meditation at night, music when I can....self massage when needed and just trying to participate in the healing process with all my might. I remain positively positive and am now looking for work again.... not sure how to squeeze in chemo and work but where there is a will, there will be a way.

So, come along, the journey continues..on January 26th it will be a year since my diagnosis! I am grateful for this past year and I pray I get to be grateful for the next. Stay well my friends, be proactive in your healthcare maintenance, and seek only Positive Pursuits. 

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