Saturday, April 24, 2010

Prevention Tips and Tips for Cancer Patients

We all live with myths that undermine our capacity to fight cancer. For example, many of us that cancer is primarily liked to our genetic makeup, rather than our lifestyle. When we look at all the research, however, we can see that the contrary is true. The lifestyle we choose is the primary cause for the development of cancer. Genetic factors only contribute 15% and it is not necessarily the same cancer found in our family as cancers have families also.
In the Western Hemisphere, one person in four will die of cancer, but three will not. What can we do to prevent Cancer from developing in our bodies? Here is just a tidbit to start:

1) Eat More Organic
Guard ourselves against the imbalances of our environment that have developed since 1940 that now promote the current epidemic of cancer. Non-organic meat and dairy products and eggs as well as large fish found at the top of the food chain furnish over 90% of human exposure to known contaminates,. These include dioxin, PCB’s and pesticides that persist in the environment despite the banning of many years ago. Typical vegetables contain one hundredth the amount of contaminates found in meat and dairy, however organic (grass fed beef etc and range free poultry and omega 3 enriched eggs) is far less contaminated. The demand for meat and dairy in this country has impacted farmers to the extent that artificial hormones, growth chemicals and other man made chemicals are continuously used to increase production to meet market needs, and the end result is we eat those same hormones and growth chemicals and inorganic phosphates that aid in feeding cancer cells in our bodies just waiting for an opportunity to develop into a tumor.

2) BPA contaminate in water and foods.
Avoid all foods and liquids heated in plastic containers or cans. Canned food is generally heated to 110 degrees during the sterilizing process, thus causing BPA (Bisphenol A) to diffuse into the food. Ban all plastic containers for heating in your kitchen and use only bottled water in #1 bottles (generally clear plastic and the recycle number is on the bottom of the bottle or water bottle container). If it is not a number one, and especially if you leave your water bottle in the car in the summer and it gets hot, you are poisoning yourself by drinking BPA. Also if you buy water in gallon jugs in the store, it should be only Spring Water in a clear #1 bottle. Often water is heated in the semi-truck during transport in hot weather. If not in a #1 bottle, high BPA contaminates could exist without your knowledge. BPA is a fundamental ally for tumors making them resistant to part of the arsenal we use to fight cancer. It literally blocks the effect of chemotherapy agents used to treat breast cancer patients. BPA is a component of hardened plastic or PVC which is everywhere: inner lining of soda cans, ravioli cans, tuna cans, green beans, and fruit preserved in syrup, soups and baby foods. BPA used to be found in baby bottles, but is now banned. It is still found in plastic kitchen bowls and utensils and storage containers. When PVC is heated it turns into BPA…now you are eating a contaminate that promotes tumor growth internally.


*US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body's most potent anti-carcinogens and antioxidants. It is recommended to cook asparagus (fresh or canned) then puree and store in the refrigerator. Take two teaspoons, straight, mixed with water hot or cold, or over potato or however you like in the morning and also the evening. (4 tsp per day). This methodology is used to prevent cancer and eliminate tumors already identified.

More information regarding diet in next blog. Stay well, be happy and Seek only Positive Pursuits.

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